michigan man

By outdoorguy

September 11th- 10 years later

This was our familys way of remembering September 11th. Such a sad day in our nations history...a sad day in the history of the world. I was on a vacation to Missouri when it happened.

The rest of the pictures surrounding our patriotic shirts are of a couple of big bull elk, a tiny bunny, the Flaming Gorge Dam, and the Colorado National Monument.

We went on an hour tour of the dam. Gayle...the tour guide... started out with this joke. "What did the fish say when he ran into the wall?' Answer...DAM!! She ended with this statement..."I hope you enjoyed the dam tour." She was cute, but she laughed at her own jokes, and when she laughed...she also snorted. She reminded us of our late sister Dana.

It was ironic that after Sept. 11th happened...they quit giving tours of the dam. Now you have to go through a screener...much like an airport. An interesting tour. A small dam, but still produces a lot of power.

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