wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

1 million dollars worth of banana

Smile cos it's the end of Wednesday. Woo!

Today's selection of looks-emergency-but-actually-planned-all...last-half-hour is one golden syrup butter cake, two pizza shapes and one very very valuable post-Yasi banana. Cake worked out the best so far - usually I've followed the instructions and just chucked it all together, but today I mixed the butter and sugar, then the golden syrup, then the eggs, and beat them all until nice and fluffy, then the milk and flour. And now it's risen wonderfully AND NOT SUNK IN THE MIDDLE!!!!!!!!!!! I'm quite excited. And of course, it will taste wonderful too. :)

And yes, the banana's wrapped in glad wrap, I didn't want nasty banana skin-ness on my fresh hot cake...

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