Scottish Life

By downland

Good Morning

It's been a while since i last blipped, and in that time i've moved house to live in the far North East of Scotland permanently, and changed jobs. It's the changing of jobs that has been the biggest reason for not blipping- the joy of being self employed is that you can decide to pause to grab a photo any time you like, whereas now that i'm being employed, photo opportunities come and go and all i can do is think what a great blip it would have been!!!

I have been watching all along, and have seen some great shots, but my camera has stayed in its bag.

On the way to work yesterday morning, however, the photo opportunities were so numerous, that i just had to take my camera with me today. Obviously, there was no deer jumping fences while in the silouette of the rising sun, or buzzard soaring with that same rising sun illuminating the underside of its wings, or hare stood tall in the golden stubble, but that was never going to happen twice, was it???????

Anyway, i had intended Mylo to star on my return, but this morning saw another fabulous sunrise, so Mylo will wait for another day.

I will endeavor to keep the camera with me, but we'll have to see what i manage to capture.

It's good to be back!

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