For the family

By RonaMac

All Change!

The plans for today revolved round the need for B's car to be serviced in a garage about 20 + miles from home. I was going to collect him from the garage at 9 am and then we would spend the day "doing things" until his car was ready at 3pm. A recipe for unnecessary spending!!!

This didn't seem appealing at 9am in the drizzling rain, so home we came.

Wow 6 hrs to do whatever I wanted. Forget the list of "things to do", I found something that hadn't even made it on to the list, 6lbs of rhubarb in the freezer waiting to be made into "Auntie Helen?s chutney". A chutney to die for, packs a punch!

Three batches later, I have enough chutney to last until spring 2013. I've even tidied the shelves in the garage to make space to store it.

An added bonus is the space in the freezer to store the stewed apples from the glut that we are experiencing this year.

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