
By notsonormallife

It's not Ireland, but it'll do.

My plans changed at one point today, so I decided to take a walk along the seafront. I haven't been on a long walk in a few weeks. My mind was on a lot happier things than it used to be during my walks. Which is good!

I know that my blips have been all girlfriend related recently, but that ain't really gonna change as she is the main thing on my mind. We spent time together each day since I came back from Ireland. Tomorrow is the first day in 4 that I won't be seeing her.. I don't know how I'm going to react to that. I know I just came back from a four day trip to Ireland, but since I've returned my feelings have escalated even more!

I don't know how I'm going to pass my time tomorrow, ps3, tv?..

Anyway, only a short blip today, the photo was taken of the seafront as I walked past. It may not have been as beautiful as some of the sights from Ireland, but it's still got some good qualities!

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