
By katgirl

Two Little Pills

About 6 months ago, I was diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases - Sjogren's Syndrome and Mixed Connective Tissue Disease with secondary Raynaud's Phenomenon. I was actually happy to have a diagnosis at the time because I was sure that now that we knew what it was, we knew what to look for and how to make it better.

As it is with most things medical, it wasn't quite that simple. While some symptoms have improved and I have adapted to some others, others have become worse - notably pain in my hands, feet, and back. My list of medications is ridiculously long - including anti-inflammatories and immune suppressants. Despite the medications, the pain was becoming steadily worse over the last month.

These two little pills are steroids. Just a tiny dose. But 1 week of treatment with these has provided my first respite in a long time. Today was the first day in a long while that I did not have to take pain meds. This respite has given me the perspective to realize how the pain was affecting my daily life. It has also given me hope that I can feel better. And I really like that.

Hopefully James won't mind if the steroids make me fat :-)

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