Here Come The Girls!

As I drove away from work at lunchtime a very apt. song came on the radio, which made me stop in my tracks and Path-vid the moment... I was SO excited about the arrival of my first visitors since the end of May and after a three-hour delay at Heathrow, Linds, Rach, Shona & Heidi finally arrived in Warsaw for their nth visit to the Polish capital.

Little did I know though that there would be a fifth arrival! I took a double-take, screamed and was shocked to the core when Lorraine jumped out of the taxi! She had flown all the way from Beijing for the girly weekend, which was all, unbeknown to me, booked six months ago and kept a secret until today. I was delighted. We'd even planned to SKYPE her tomorrow morning - so that we could all raise a glass over cyberspace - all a ploy! I got a bit emotional after we'd opened the fizz and sat down to the lunch I'd prepared for them, in absolute disbelief that not only was Rach out here for the first time, after 11th hour cancellations previously, but that Lorraine was too.

So I managed to get the nail salon to squeeze the sixth person in, and we drew straws for sleeping arrangements and had a lovely afternoon and evening catching up, over dinner and drinks, at home.

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