Andy at the Goods Shed

Finally, an important meeting of interested parties gathered first thing this morning to agree a route for the new electrical supply cable to the Brunel Goods Shed. It is a bit of a saga. But by lunchtime I was very happy with the results.

Andy had come as a representative of the key landowners and once we had explained all the parameters, he was happy to agree to allow us to proceed. After the other participants left, I showed him round the Goods Shed, including the old offices upstairs which have been empty for forty-five years. While we were there he asked about my Canon camera as he has recently bought a second-hand EOS for his daughter, who is just starting a photography course. So I quickly pointed the camera and snapped this picture to show him what this type of lens produces.

I had planned to blip my walk this evening, as I had arranged with Neil, who is a new friend living down our road, for him to show me his ideas about the archeological finds he has made in the land just behind our house. He has done a lot of research as well as field exploration, so our walk and talk was fascinating. I have my own take on the landscape, based upon a purely amateur approach. I possibly provide a slightly different perspective so sharing ideas was very useful for us both. This was only the first of many further walks and even hopefully some digs, which I have never done before.

I've decided that the few shots I took of him on our walk weren't good enough for a blip, despite at one point being stunned by a dramatic burst of the sun's rays breaking through stormy clouds. So today I'm showing Andy, who I was delighted to meet and get to know a little, if only briefly.

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