All that is beautiful

By sharob

Watching Baby Jake ...

Storm has the attention span of a gnat. Honestly, this child cannot sit still for a second, she's up and down like a yo-yo, ants in her nappy is an understatement.

That is .. until we discovered Baby Jake on Cbeebies! She LOVES Baby Jake, as soon as she hears the words - "Here is a house ..", she's glued, and for 10 minutes she's quiet. So this morning, whilst we were getting ready for the school run, I gave her my iphone with Baby Jake episodes which I've saved as favourites in YouTube. She laid on my bed like this for nearly half an hour (the girls were up really early so we were all dressed and ready a loooong time before we needed to leave!) She watched 3 episodes and was completely fine until Clara decided that she also wanted to watch.

If a Baby Jake DVD is released, we'll definitely be buying it! I usually don't like new Cbeebies shows, but this one is so sweet!

Have added some back blips as I realise I've not really been around too much lately ..

Storms Wellies Obsession
Storm in her big girl bed ..
Honeymoon pic of Wales
Honeymoon pic of Stonehenge
Clara learning a REAL art

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