This day

By snapper

Best of the West

The next day we had to hurl back down the A82 from Inverness to Inveraray as the band had a gig at the Best of the West festival at Inveraray Castle. We were one down as our piper had food poisioning and had his head out the car window throwing up and it was landing on the window of the car behind! Got his mother to colect him and take the poor bugger home. the rest of the band played really well though. They finished at 5pm and I then had to hurtle up the bloddy A82 once more this time to Skye as I had to get the box player up in time for the 9am Monday ferry.

When I phoned half a dozen B&Bs in Uig to enquire for accommodation all I got was a curt no, some of these brought overs have no bloody manners, sorry would have been nice to hear instead of a curt "non" one guy actually laughed at me ! Finally I got a room and the box player slept in a sleeping bag on the sofa! I had left here at 6pm and was in Portree at 10pm! 4 hours not bad. Managed to get a decent sleep before a 7am start the next day.
The things I have to do in my job!

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