This day

By snapper

Back on the A82

I hate the bloody A82 by now! Since Sunday I have driven almost 1000 miles! Got up at the crack of dawn to get the Lochboisdale to Oban ferry which was leaving Uist at 9am! Well it was blowingn a hooley! I drove up to Lochboisdale only to be told the ferry was still in bloody Barra and not sailing! So they booked me onto the Lochmaddy ferry and I had to drive all the way down north (when in Uist you gou up south & down north, don't ask me why we just do) got to Lochmaddy and it was flat clam! Grabbed a coffee in Taigh Chearsabhagh then got the ferry over the sea to Skye. The picutre is looking down to wards the pier in Uig.
Drove all the way home (5 hours as opposed to 1 from Oban) and landed home at 8pm and am now having my second steaming hot toddy.

I hope my bloody work appreciate all the travelling I did! Thats every eekend this month I have been working. Moan moan!

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