Watt's Up?

By lindee

More Sunflowers

The day started off well, sunny and a cool temperature! The baby squirrels were out today I think from two different litters, two were somewhat bigger than the other five. They were snooping around for some nuts and seeds, but soon as I came out with some they scattered up the tree and stayed there. Got one or two captures but they were not that great will have to try again! And on my way to the sun flowers I came across a baby red squirrel, so small compared to the greys and blacks, I helped him across the road and into a nearby field.I would have liked to have gotten a picture of him but was more interested in getting him off the busy road! What a day for baby squirrels! I took anumber of sunflower pictures as the day turned grey and on my way home started to rain. Got my blip just in time!

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