
By Runningbackwards

The Downs at Dawn

I ran to school this morning.

Fuelled only by porridge, a piece of buttered toast, a cup of tea and an inner rage (this bit is made up) I set out just before 7 to experience the wind in my hair, the smell of autumn and the sheer joy of being alive.

It was kind of like that but only in parts.

This picture was taken on the Downs which are, undeniably, fantastic.

I stopped running to take this panorama which I quite like but doesn't really fit on blipfoto.

Arrived at school to have wash in the showers that seem to maintain 100% humidity even after the water is turned off.You then have the experience of putting a dry shirt on a damp back. Nice...

I'm now sitting here with Cup of Tea #2 and planning next weeks' lessons, a warm glow inside (that could be just the tea..!)

Apparently autumn comes from an old French word and fall comes from an old English word. So we dropped the English for the French, eh?! My surname is apparently Norman in origin - clearing in a wood so vive la France!

Run: 4.8miles@8.46min/mile

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