Old Friends
Today I went to the village my mother came from to visit her few remaining cronies. Where once I had 6 houses to call on, today I had only 3! very sad, they are all single ladies in their 80's left with only thier memories. Whereas before I left them all feeling chirpy and having caught up on their gossip, now I leave saddened at their lonlieness though they all said life was still good, I suppose its your interpretation of good! This old house has been brought back to life as has another one in the village and its nice to see families living in them again. I myself spent my first 5 years of life in one such house, we had electricity but no running water. Had to go to the well twice a day, helped my grannie milk the cows twice a day , fed the hens yes twice a day! cut lifted and stacked the peats and grew all our own veg, had fresh butter, milk and cheese, had our own fresh fish & meat and spun all our own wool and my grannie could knit for Scotland she made such nice warm jumpers. Now everyone drives off to the supermarket to buy all what we produced ourselves and it doesnt even taste good! Progress? I think not
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