Blip-A-Ewan 5...

Never done this since the Edit Entry option became available but this is a late swap of blip entry because I forgot that it is Blip-a-Ewan day. Thanks for the comments on the HobNob. If this Editting of the entry goes as I think it will, the first 3 comments may seem a bit odd. If the HobNob is still there tomorrow, I'll do it then.

This is my monthly track of my children's growth. The 15th is Ewan's turn for his 5th Blip-A-Ewan so he is 4 months old today. I couldn't do his usual Blip as I only remembered once he was in bed.

You can check out the rest of this series by entering the word Blipaewan into the Blipfoto search tool.

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