Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Blip 600!!

Wowsers mummy is doing pretty good!
Blipp 500 was pretty fantastic,
yet here we are 100 blips later,
the grin still as daft,
the hair slightly longer,
but just as cute!
13 days till my 2nd birthday,
10 days till we meet the twins again,
excting times ahead,
until then......

717 Days Old update..

~total mischief-making rascal
(gets away with it thanks to that smile!)
~Loves her food
(nothing new there then!)
~enjoys eating reading books
~has her mummys artistic streak
(that must be shown via the wallpaper)
~Likes helping out with the housework
(if you call pull washing off rack as it goes on helping!)
~Loves to walk every were
(produce the pushchair, your ears pay for it!)
~Gives you the finger waggle when you are in trouble
if you laugh, the finger waggle gets frantic, don't laugh when your being told off now!
~has learnt to walk up stairs by herself, she looks so proud
shh just don't tell her leaning on the wall with her shoulder is cheating
~When asked if she wants something, you either get a firm NO or a very cute high pitched MEME!
accompanied with a little fist waving at herself, too cute

She has recently become very self aware, its amazing to watch her, this morning I found her picking her finger getting annoyed, I checked to find a bit nail hanging off which was annoying her, so soon sorted that out!
She truely is an amazing little girl!! thank you for giving me a journal and 600 memories to be so proud of fernie xxx

On another note, fernies god mummy Big fern finally had a baby girl on monday 19th september, Saskia Autumn weighing 7lbs 15
Can't wait to go and see her and meet little one!!!
Mummy & daughter
one very beautiful little girl x

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