
23months 1day

So, it was nursery again today for little miss. She cried when she realised in the car where we were going, cried a lot when I left her. She insisted on keeping her bag and coat with her, and wouldnt put them down all morning apparently. She settled a little and was playing with the tweenie puzzle. The staff said that she did a lot of watching today. She went over to the messy table and watched them playing with the cornflour. She asked to go outside when the others did, and just watched, although she got upset by it quite quickly. She wouldnt eat snack or lunch - although she did eat the full ice cream cornet that was pudding. They suggested sending favourite snacks in her bag to give her something familiar to eat while she's settling. She was crying when I returned, because she'd dropped her drink on her foot. . The staff said that the 4 weeks of these sessions have been worth it, that she needed the gentle introduction; it was her last "settling" session today - she starts properly next week, as do I.

She had a roll and some crackers in the car before we set off and was soon fast asleep, snuggled tight to Monkey. I thought she'd sleep for ages when we got in, but she woke up immediately and wasnt keen to settle back off, so we went for a walk. We came home and had a snuggle, but she still didnt go back off, so we've been playing and pottering. She's been running round and round the edge of the rug, singing the theme from Bob the builder, which she's learnt from an advert on a Mopatop DVD!

I changed the image. Katie just presented me with her first sticklebricks model, very proudly, then went back to add more to it. All carefully sorted by colour. It deserved the blip!

Whilst Katie went to nursery, I went for a little wander

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