Looooooooong toes
Had a free consultation with the podiatrist at the gym this afternoon.
A very nice man who analysed my feet, legs and hips, videoed me on the treadmill (with and without gym shoes) and told me what was wrong with me!
Which was all very technical and completely over the top of my head!
However my basic understanding is that my joints are quite mobile and I'm over rotating my foot when it lands on the floor which then means I'm not pushing off properly.
All of which means I have tight muscles in my lower legs and feet.
Given The Challenge is approaching and I want to be in peak health and fitness, I'm going to book in for a proper consultation - he thinks a mini roll bar (?) could sort things out quite nicely.
He's also shattered my illusions that I won't get any blisters by saying it's is inevitable given what I'm doing, so he's going to give me proper blister care advice too - apparently James's old tried and tested rugby technique of bursting them and then strapping your foot in elastoplast isn't quite the best thing nowadays.
My lovely friend Emma also had a consultation - here she is at the bare foot stage.
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