My Moments in Time

By Doddy

Alannah's Chocolate Cake

My grandaughter Alannah still not well enough to go to school today but by this afternoon she was feeling a little better so we made a cake which SHE decorated herself and a good job she has made of it. She is back to school tomorrow so no more spoiling her.


Did you say you're on a diet?
No desserts for 20 years?
Do you pass the cake and candy sections
With some heartfelt sighs and tears?

Go ahead !! Bake those gooey
Sticky sweet forbidden things.
But first put on your jogging outfit.
Your tennis shoes and exercise bling.

Run in place while stirring;
Time your cakes with jumping jacks.
Ten deep knee bends between ingredients.
Use that kitchen for a workout track.

And when you're out of breath and panting.
Pot holders around your prize.
Jog to the nearest 90 lb neighbor
And leave her your 1000 calorie surprise!

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