Family Dog

By Family_Dog


It's official. Arlo is now a fully fledged, registered, legit human bean.

And at 4am, he exercises his right to party and goes for it. He has very basic needs.

"Waah" means I'm hungry
"Waaah" means I have wind (he has that a lot)
"Wah" means I need a cuddle
"Waaaah" means I have done a poo/pee/pooey pee
"Waaaaah" means I am so knackered I couldn't possibly stay awake for another second, yet I feel I must cry simply because I am a baby.

Now I better go because he's awake in his basket and any minute now I'm going to get one of the above 'wah's'.

Which one will it be?!

P.s - does it make me really sad that I'm really pleased that Arlo's birth is registered in Leith, Edinburgh? Probably, but I think that's COOL!

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