Diary of a Scilly cow

By Bryher


I HATE SPIDERS...........I've never got over this fear, its stupid and irrational, I mean seriously what the hell is this little shit gonna do
to me ???
I remember at primary school we did a project on spiders, one of my fellow class mates had a "pet" taranchula.......what kind of f-ing pet is that !!!! Seeing the sheer terror on my face my mum had me removed from the class for the day !

With all that in mind, I'm not sure why I've blipped one this evening. (One of them moved at great speed while I was photographing it, you would have p!ssed yourselves as I swore loudly and nearly fell over trying to move away.....it was only about the size of my thumb nail !!!! I'm pathetic when it comes to these hairy cretins)

So tonight I'm feasting on oven chips and a glass of red wine in honour of Loves nothing who sent me some good news today ! Cheers G xxxx

Enjoy the rest of your evening :)

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