One Day Like This

By sennema

You like tomato, I like tomato

The things you learn on Blip... When seeing this Blip, I got inspired to process our own green tomatoes into a chutney as well. Never knew you could even do anything with those green rock hard thingies (turns out they're even poisonous when eaten raw) but cooked for a couple of hours they make for a delicious brown substance. It tasted great with blue cheese, but I've also learned it's best after at least eight weeks of maturing. Fingers crossed I cleaned the jars well enough so it won't be blue, green and white by then.

The original idea was to Blip the chutney itself, but it really doesn't look that delicious. It's brown and chunky, I thought this image was much more attractive. You've got to hand it to the red guy it managed to get ripe with so little sunshine...

Go here for the recipe

Go here for the song

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