Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

A travelers tale

I've been away on my travels again, on a much needed break that I have promised myself since the last one in June.
I felt so relaxed on my last break over on the Isle of Wight, I'm back over here again :-)
An almost perfect and very lovely place, a couple of Starbucks and Costa Coffees would not go amiss ;-)
An early start 4am saw me awake ish, noticed that the sky was relatively clear after a crazy night of showers, captured the moon and Jupiter with all four of the gallileans, which I could name which one was which, my biggest surprise was capturing the three stars which make up the belt in the constellation of Orion (Alnilam, Alnitak and Mintaka, if I've got my spelling right) this was a pure accident, with a little more work, I think I can get some nice results with my camera, so that will keep for another day
It's been a lovely day here and the sky outside is lovely and clear :-)
There are so many pics I would like to blip today, but I have opted for this , the inside of Monsieur Hulot's coffee shop at the red jet terminal in Southampton
Lovely innit :-)

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