
Yeh - we've been here before! Well, almost :) This one still makes me laugh as well!

Been a slow day today. Ben had a sore throat last night and it took a bit of effort to calm him down enough at one point to give him some medicine but he was grateful for it - and evidently remembered it this evening and took the syringe of kiddie brufen off Steve and self-administered it before going to bed! We are all still poorly with a cold, Ben seems to have got the sore throat accompaniment, I'm losing my voice (great timing for singing on Sunday!), but Steve doesn't seem to be doing too badly at the moment.

I don't actually remember this morning, we can't have done anything of note I guess. Just pottered, watched cbeebies some more... well Ben did, I sat downstairs in the peace and quiet until Ben dragged me back upstairs. Lunch, then a bath (Ben drummed and sang for me while I had a bath) without too much interruption, painted my nails in my happy orange colour and eventually got dressed to get us out of the house to get my bits from the pharmacy and some bits from the shop.

Band practice this evening, good practise, Ben enjoyed himself as usual. He declared he wanted to be a drummer like Bob :) Bob and his family are leaving at the end of the month to go back to India - we are REALLY going to miss them :(

Bedtime soon. (And it's only half past nine!! Three days in a row bed before 10 at this rate - only need to do the dishwasher and can go to bed. And I've not had a daytime sleep today so I might actually get to sleep before 3am tonight....)

Steve's off tomorrow. Technically it's a "holiday" but he wants to get the bathroom more finished which I'm quite excited about - I wasn't expecting any more work on the bathroom until after Ben's birthday!!

Not seen any updates about the family in hospital following the fire today, am hopeful that no news is good news.

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