not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

today has been really hot again just like summer. I have not done much today.
me and molly did go on our afternoon stroll though the park there was quite a few people there enjoying the sun.

This afternoon i let myself in to my friends next door to get my washing i thought she was out i was going to have 5 mins with here little dog Lola who i have blip before i got her shock when i got in she was still there she had fell asleep and had not gone out.

She all so told me that one of the other people down our road had left her dog out side the shop for a couple of mins while she went i got a couple of things and when she went out side some one had taken her dog that was yesterday and no one had seen it happen and as far as i know it is still gone it is only about a year old.

This us on our evening walk walk and the sun setting as we walk down the front it was just going dark.

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