With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


For those of you vaguely interested in the machine that is the film industry (and I have discovered I am) this is the film set for Cloud Atlas in the Port of Soller.

I took an early walk on the beach. The water was very inviting, but I thought against having a dip without my costume and watched the ducks instead. The fishing boats are the only thing that are normal over the other side of the bay, with limousines nipping in and out bearing, presumably, people with plaster casts on one leg and such the like. Infact as this low flying plane swooped over a bit later, I guess the people up the rigging were in danger of having a fall, bearing in mind how low they flew over. Rubber neckers!

Efficiency after some prolongued attempts to have a quick coffee and other jobs. The boys got their homework done, and we went for my long awaited swim. It was a beautiful day and we soaked up some of the last rays we could.

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