Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

O what a tangled web we weave,

When first we practise to deceive.

But no deceiving here, other than I took my receptionist and her dog to Glasgow Vet School today, I had referred the dog there for a specialist opinion, however she was not confident driving there so I offered to be "taxi".

I didn't let on to the specialist when I met him first that I was the referring vet, I simply excused myself and went for a walk round my alma mater whilst my receptionist had the specialist consultation with him.

I felt it was best I wasn't there. Well I wouldn't like doing a consult in front of a client's friend who just happens to be a vet!

So anyway, I went for a walk, and my how things have changed in 15 years! I look forward to the big reunion next summer.

Oh and the dog's fine by the way, we have had to remove her eye, but that eye was blind anyway, and doing nothing to help the dog.

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