walking in the city

By inthecity

Before the rain

I'm suddenly swamped in job and postdoc apps. It poured like the dickens all day. Sending good vibes for a perfect weekend.

Backblips, both hyper-local:

> Junkyard kitty I spotted on my caffeine run. Another in my Danforth A to B series.

> Alleyway composition, also to add to my Danforth A to B series. This was on my walk to the library, which, as a test-run work session was a bust. I got nothing done on my chapter and only a few emails squeaked out. In part, on account of the homeless guy snoring in the chair next to me, or the ESL class in the next room with the door open. Maybe due to the squeaky wheels on the librarian's cart. Mostly it was the crabby arse with the douchey-looking beard who kept shooting evil glances at me for typing too loud.

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