Sprint & Spirit

By jerryshi734

Coming Home

Today was my first day back home since I left for Ann Arbor on August 26. Indeed, it felt like much longer than a month. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning, and then I am going straight back to campus, hopefully in time to catch the game vs. San Diego St. at noon.

My parents had always anticipated the irony. They met at Qinghua University in China, wed soon after, and gave birth to me later on. They also both got degrees at Ohio State, my mom her Masters, my dad his Ph.D. They always hoped that I would get into an Ivy League university instead so that I could still maintain my Buckeye allegiance, but I ended up at Michigan. No hard feelings, though. After all, we are family, and as long as my dad doesn't wear that sweater when he visits Ann Arbor, he'll be fine haha.



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