For the family

By RonaMac

Stand & deliver! or Donations please!

Back in to town this morning for an eye test and did a double take when faced with this individual. Great, a blip for today! The young lady off camera was collecting for the British Heart Foundation.

Had planned to read the instructions for the new camera and have a play later, but that can be deferred.

Last eye test was expensive, the need for bilateral cataract surgery, long waiting lists for the NHS and short tolerance levels (me) resulted in me going private, so that I could see the sights on a long planned holiday. Brilliant care & results of surgery and a superb holiday.

Good news on the routine eye test. Only need specs for close reading/ sewing and the ?off the shelf cheapies? are suitable.

The first time I have exited an opticians without being several hundred pounds worse off. Good news for B!

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