Mrs Unremarkable

By MrsUnremarkable

The Picture of Health

We took the dogs with us when we went over to check on Son No 1's house this morning, as he & DIL are away at the moment. They live right beside a pond which has two resident swans & this year have SIX cygnets. They are almost as big as the adults. Parents being parents the dogs were hissed at as we passed by.

Human parents being parents, this afternoon I have been saddled with the task of applying for Son No 3's degree course, as when he tried the system crashed. Then there's dogs to walk again before picking same son & hubby up again from the Toon match. I think that swan parents have an easier time of it with just a bit of wing flapping & hissing.

Oh, and the deadline for course applications passed 2 weeks ago!

Finally, congratulations to Jibba. Didn't think you'd get there partner x

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