Travels Through A Lens

By SnapshotSam

The Day of the Dahlia

I have 3 of these dahlia plants in 3 seperate pots and they have been flowering their way through summer and still going strong. I love dahlias for their variety of colour and shape and blowsiness (is that a word?). Before they fade I wanted to get them on blip, so here it is!

Went to the allotment to clear the bean plants and take down the canes now they have finished producing (we had so many beans we could have opened up a pop up bean shop so sort of glad to see them finish but they were tasty), and collect the last of the courgettes.

Brain is slowly returning to normality after a week of extra stress. The G&T (only the one) and your kind words helped yesterday evening :)

Early blip as friends over later so got to get things organised.
Have a great Saturday whatever you are up to :)

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