Another Spain

By tmyers437

The Lond Day is Over

Norah Jones

Busiest day of my life! up at 7:30 to go to work at 8. The Russ College of Technology and Engineering had a research fair today where high schoolers came in and did experiments. That lasted until 1 and then study for my Chemistry exam until the actual exam at 5. Afterward there was a Crew Banquet.

Each member on the team had a silly award. Mine was "The Stuck in the middle award" because I am always stuck in the middle. When carrying the boat I am always the tallest on the short side. After the Banquet I want to 3.95 with some of the girls and then hit the books. I stayed up until 4:30 in the morning working on homework then got up at 7:30 to finish it.


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