Quarrelling at dinner time

I was back on my bike today. It's been nearly 3 months since I cycled to work. I've had hardly any exercise over the summer.
The cycle back was a little harder as I was going agains the wind.
Hubby was away for the day with work and he called around 7pm to say that a parked car had rolled into his hire car whilst at the service station. He said that he would be slightly late coming home. The kids and I sat at the table to eat. My daughters were trying to explain to my son where Dad was and he kept saying, "what, what". Daughter #1 got cross with him and shouted. He then got on his feet and hit her very hard on the head and she burst into tears.. I had a glass of water in my hand and threw the water in his face. He was not a happy bunny and threw his food on the table.
I then left and went to my bridge club. Hubby arrived home shortly after I'd left and my son had cleaned up the mess in the dining table.

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