Singing in my Chains

By Cadi

Judy and Jirva

We had another open day for the Community garden in Shelley Park. It's taking ages to get it started as we've applied for funding from various agencies and they insist that we carry out further consultation etc with the local residents. So today, we had another tea party/get together. I live in an area which sees regular influxes of people from elsewhere. At the moment, it's Czech Roma. Before that, Polish/Eastern European and African familes before them.

The park and the multi games area is a favourite haunt of the Czech kids and when they saw we had cakes, we were swamped. Jirva here appointed himself as a helper and he was an absolute darling. Roma have a different sense of personal space and the kids are very loud so it can be a bit unnerving but I loved talking and joking with them. I also learnt some Czech today but am now absolutely knackered so its a well deserved pint of S.A. for me now...

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