Scooby Doo v Optimus Prime

Here is Scooby Doo fighting off Optimus Prime this afternoon. Katie wasn't sick all day today although she didn't eat anything until late this afternoon then as she went to brush her teeth with Daddy what happened??? Everywhere! Jessica has been quite sick too today and didn't quite know what to do with herself all day.

Johnny had a birthday party in a neighbours garden today (it was gorgeous) and they had a massive bouncy castle . It seems to have gone really well.

Megan, Daddy and I are still not showing any signs yet of getting the bug but I am sure that won't last long.

Snuffles has not had an accident in the house all day again today ( a little pee waiting on my on the floor this morning at 6.30am) so she is doing really well for being only 14 weeks old (I think anyway). She has had us out the back all day too digging to Oz I think some of the holes that she has burrowed!!

Have a great night and hopefully I will still be healthy tomorrow.


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