Grandad's here!

Grandad's here! Ben has tried his best to monopolise him since he arrived, and Steve's tried hard in equal measure. It's nice to see him :)

Ben's temperature spiked in the night and also early this morning so another broken night for us - at least I had the presence of mind to sit Ben up so he could be sick into the bin rather than on the bed in the night. He's been ok today though, Steve thinks he simply didn't have enough to drink yesterday so the infection just built up over the day. He's drunk lots today so here's hoping for a better night.

My bump has popped out over the last couple of weeks. It's noticeably bigger. Got another two weeks before the next growth scan, so I'm imagining it's going to be considerably bigger again by then...

It's half past eight now and finally things are calming down. Ben has been particularly hyperactive this evening, the sort of crazy hyperactive that comes from being really too tired to have much care about what you are doing! And incredibly bossy. Which is normal, but he did seem more bossy than usual this evening...

Please keep our friends in your thoughts - one is still very poorly and on a ventilator, one is improving but still on a ventilator and one is much improved and breathing on his own again. Really sad to hear in the news of two other families caught up in house fires this week - all of whom died. Who is to say why some live and some die.

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