Baby Dove

C drew my attention to this wee one while doing the 'Braai' (BBQ) this afternoon. The 24th September is 'National Braai Day' in South Africa. We celebrate heritage day today, and the idea to make it an official 'Braai Day' started a few years ago!

We saw the mummy dove flying into the relatively young tree, planted to provide shade on R jnr's bedroom window one day. After closer inspection, we saw the shabby little dove's nest and the little one peeped down, just on time for me to snap his cutie face! I must admit, it was not easy finding him in the lens between all the leaves! ;-)

I'm done with the presentation for the official opening of the High School next Friday, will start loading it onto the 30 USB Flash Drives tomorrow! Too tired to start that now, it is almost 22:30 already! Phew!!

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