People on a Bridge

By zerohour


If you are from here, you know what I'm talking about. If you're not - I am not sure I am the best person to explain it; I never quite understood it myself... ;-)

Basically, it's a huge party before a football game. Everybody gets slightly crazy. Eats a lot. Drinks a lot. Watches all other college football games on portable TV screens under their little tents. It's loud. It's kind-spirited. Women dress up, waaaay up. Men talk sports, hunting, and business. Kids get high on sugar. Then everybody goes to the game. Good times.

Husband Dear and Little Man will have a heck of a good time at the game. I, however, define "good time" slightly differently, and am going for diner to a Thai restaurant with a friend who is equally excited about football :-)

Go, Dawgs!

PS. Had to back-blip yesterday's post... Shame on me! Do check it out if you haven't done so already :-)

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