
I did it!
365 Blips.
A few days missed.
Lots of fun.
Great people out there.

Sorry I don't comment much, but I will when I have more time.
Sorry to Beth Wester Ross (my Sister), for all the (apparently) nasty things I say about her smelly mangey flea-bitten Dim Dawg. I will try to be nicer.

Thanks to all the amazing team at Blipcentral - you are doing an incredible job and we all apprciate it.
Thanks to all the people who comment on my efforts - it is always great to know what others think.

It has been a wonderful year fo me.
Getting married in October to my first love. (after a 27 year separation)
A dream come true.
It was great to share it all with you.

Blipping is just a normal part of my life now.
Constantly on the lookout for a shot that will look good, or failing to do this and frantically running around the house to find a last minute Blip.

You all know exactly what I mean.

Have a great weekend everyone, and thanks again!


PS - Notice the name of the font?

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