Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


Elizabeth is having her first successful bath for about a week just now. We're having to move it forward because she's just too overtired to have it at 7pm anymore.

She finally has one of her new teeth through, but there are obviously more to come. Hopefully these mood swings (like refusing a bath) will be gone once the teeth are all here. Or maybe the terrible twos are starting early.

Grandma has been staying the past few days. The new dolly and pushchair were a gift from her, so that Elizabeth has her own baby when the new baby comes. We bought some accessories to go with it today, like a bottle and bib etc.

Grandma and Elizabeth went for a walk with dolly while we did some food shopping. She stayed with it all the way, and said "sorry" to the flowers she bashed into. Sounds like it might be an ideal way to keep her from running off when we go out for a walk. Not that she does that much these days actually.

Shes doing well with sentences at the moment. "Mummy spoon fallen down" and "daddy sit down" are just a couple of examples.

There's probably more to update, but I need to help get the little lady out of the bath.

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