Life through the lens...

By ValC

Thirsty Work This Blowing!

Just back from an 8 mile walk with our walking club.
Up and down the hills round Colne(Lancashire)A bit boggy in parts.(legs a bit stiff after the drive back home!) But enjoyed it!

Finished the walk along the river and ended up unexpectedly!!!!!
at this pub.

The Admiral Lord Rodney.
Brass band was playing in one of the rooms which sounded great sat out side in the sun.
Took the photo through an open window. The trombone player had put his pint on the windowsill.(sorry a bit out of focus)

The pub was the winner of the CAMRA Pub of the Season award Summer 2011.
Fantastic range of constantly changing Real Ales from many different breweries.
Also regular Live Music.

A bit too far for us to travel for a night out I'm afraid.

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