Best friend.

My very best friend , Cath, celebrated a very significant birthday yesterday. She had an open house today and we have had a lovely afternoon in good company with a delicious buffet. The cake alone was smothered in strawberries and Thornton's chocolates!!

Cath and I go back a long way. We were at school together but were not friends as such. Cath (and she will admit this herself ) was a bit of a tearaway and I was School Captain. I t sounds a bit snooty to say that but it's a fact. When we left school I started work in the bank and Cath was working in the same town as a dental receptionist. We used to meet at lunchtime and from there our friendship flourished.

Cath is one of four girls and I was an only child so visits to Cath's home was always great fun. We spent many years in the Youth Fellowship , went on holiday together and then Cath moved to London for a time to go to college to further her career. How I missed her and used to phone and write very regularly.

She came home married, and had a beautiful daughter, Hazel. Hazel has since presented Cath with the lovely Mitchell whom she totally adores. Cath is just the loveliest of persons and twelve years ago her life was turned upside down when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. With her very positive attitude she has come through and grabs every opportunity in life.

We have different interests, different personalities but Cath and I just gel. I could not have a better friend. Thank you, Cath , for 42 years of friendship. Here's hoping we have many more.

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