Capital adventures

By marchmont


On a day when you don't do anything that involves effort or getting up, or going out you blip

a) your pet (whom you realise at 5.30 p.m. you've neglected to feed - and then when you do she's sick on the living room floor because she's scoffed it too quickly), or

b) your plants/flowers

Went for option b - an pseudo arty shot of a gladiolus. Took about 30 to get this 1. Who said emergency blips were fast?

Honestly did nothing today - well I did do something and maybe it will have an outcome, here's hoping. Also checked-in with the parents and #2 son checked in with me. A pre-emptive strike to avoid the interrogation he knew he'd get from me and to tell me he's off to La G for the week-end with his dad (I feel crumpled about that) and that #64 wants to borrow Molly - increasingly bold mice have decided it's a desirable winter residence. #64 won't forget to feed her, poor soul.

Still finding it hard to adjust to an empty flat with all most of #3 son's things gone.

Yesterday the nice girl at M&S sold me an extra main meal take away (BOGOF) so I may have the same Chinese meal tonight as last night - minus the Viognier, the egg fried rice and the left over birthday cake (all finished.)

Tomorrow, well this week, I have a bit of a report to write, a flat to reorganise and reclaim, TTSS with A, dinner with SBC and lunch with L, ex JGHS. Need to re-energise.

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