Giving this a go...

By Debiives

Wisley Sculpture Trail

Another nice day today so we took a picnic and went to Wisley Gardens after church (well 3 of us went to church, 1 of us didn't want to miss the 2nd half of the Scotland game). Their annual sculpture trail is on at the moment and it's always quite interesting. There were a couple I'd have liked to have been able to buy but don't have several hundred pounds going spare for sculptures (and they were the cheap ones).

It's always amusing reading the guff that they write to go with each one, phrases like "the dynamic relationship between matter and space and how the one balances and completes the other" and this one which went with some giant fungii (see my Picasa album link below) "these man made natural forms are intentionally not confrontational... leaving the audience at leisure to pass through at will providing a sense of escapism Since when were fungii confrontational anyway?

I cycled home along the back roads, 18 miles in 68mins (actually a bit annoyed that my average speed wasn't higher, I can't seem to get above 16mph average no matter how hard I push it) and it was a really nice cycle. I went past a man playing the bagpipes in a clearing in a forest at one point!

Oh a few other sculptures here

Oh and thanks to Colin Parte for pointing out my spelling error in yesterdays. I checked against the website I looked at for the details and it was spelt wrong there too!

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