
By dp

Boys Toys

Back home after a week with Grandmama in North Wales. Quality time spent and some nice days out but now need a holiday holiday!

Raided the cupboard under the stairs and opened up my old railway box which probably hasn't seen daylight for at least 10 years. Mrs DP was visibly scared at the sight of so much geek stuff - I think she's worried the disease might return and I'll turn the spare room into a den. It's all for eBay though - might keep the odd thing but the proceeds can go to the shiny gadget fund.

One I won't sell though is the 'Flying Scotsman' - I can still vividly remember buying it with my Dad at Toy and Hobby in Liverpool (Church Street, now HMV). It's amazing how things like that are burnished in the memory even after 20 years (and more).

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