Chislehurst Chase - 10km run

On your marks............gooooooooooo!

This is the 3rd year that there has been a run in Chislehurst apparently this year there were up to 300 runners, the sun was shinning and a good day was had by all. But I only watched the beginning of the race as I wanted to make sure I was home in time for the F1.

D's a bit more like himself today after hearing the bad news of yesterday re his friend although he's still quiet and he's gone to bed early coz he had a restless night last night. We visited my parents this afternoon after the F1 (go Jensen go and well recovered Lewis) and I am pleased to say that finally my dad has been to the doctors and he's had a few tests and the results will come through this coming week - mum thinks his stomach ulcer is back. I think he must must rattle coz he has 15 tablets a day to take.

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