today I ...

By BarbiesWorld back:

from the best days I had in this entire year!
All I can say is the hugest THANK YOU SO MUCH! to all blippers and blip-featured people who turned my last weeks into an unforgettable and happy time (which I didn't thought to feel again so soon)!

The picture may suggest that there were quite some cultural differences but apart from me not being a morning person and therefor not considering baked beans (which I love) as my breakfast and the delight of discovering that it's absolutely normal in blipland putting an unhealthy amount of vinegear on your chips there weren't really any. Well, maybe the point that I thought 'tea' was a hot drink served in a cup and comes with bisquits. But I'm always happy to enlargen my horizon.

I just managed to sort the couple of pictures I took (just a few, ehem...) and looking very very forward to backblip soonest! :)

So today I distracted myself from being sad of being back and missing all the loveliest people of the last weeks with a long stroll through the forest, on the hunt of something for tea and was delighted of the full bag of mushrooms.

Off to bed now and getting mentally prepared to the nightmares of the next weeks office days. (No, I'm an optimist, why do you ask??)

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