As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Little Secrets

I want to be a better photographer.

I woke up today at 8:00, still extremely tired from yesterday's adventure. At 9:00 I went to King Kullen to sell popcorn for boy scouts to two and a half hours. After that I came home and got some work done. Then I went to Runner's Edge to get some beautiful new spikes (pictured above). Half of Nassau County was in there; Charlie and another kid from Mepham, Dave, Jacob from Massapequa, and Nick from Seaford, plus a ton of other people. It was a tough decision but I'm happy with the ones I got. I can't wait to break them in on Tuesday. When I got home I did some more work before going on a run with Pat and Timmy. My knee was really bothering me to the point where I had to walk the last 800m home. I hope it feels better by Tuesday...

Word of the Day: Tchotchke A trinket; a knickknack

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