You have to smile...

By ams

Joining the e-reader revolution

I had a quick search for 'kindle' on blipfoto earlier, and came up with lots of pictures of newly purchased ones, and a few piles of books with defiant 'anti-kindle' comments in the descriptions.

I've toyed with getting one for a while, probably the major thing stopping me was the big pile of actual books that I've bought and haven't got round to reading.
Around this time last year I was re-reading Harry Potter. Have you tried reading Goblet of Fire/Order of the Phoenix in bed? It just isn't practical. Harry Potter was not yet available as an e-book, but it was only a matter of time. "When they are, that is when I'll get an e-reader."

The Apple fan girl in me wanted the answer to be an iPad, and all the reviews point that way, if you want a tablet. But what would I use an iPad for? I already own an iPod Touch. The only real advantage of the iPad over the iPod Touch is the screen size, which would be good for games (I have many downloaded, but rarely play them); watching the BBC iPlayer while lying in bed or sat on a comfy sofa rather than at my computer; and, as an e-reader. My iPod already does all the other things that an iPad would do perfectly adequately. I can neither afford nor justify the purchase of an iPad.

On the 23rd June, JK Rowling announced Pottermore, which amongst many other exciting things for Potterheads everywhere, would be the first time e-books would be available.

Mum and Dad have both had Kindles for maybe a year or so. The things are rarely out of their hands in the evening. Whether it be the newspaper or a novel, I can't remember either of them spending so much time reading. I used to go on a daily trip to the shop for a newspaper, but it never got as much attention as their Kindles, and was often only used for the sudoku.

Everyone, we have spoken to who owns one, loves them. Yes there are the arguments going round, 'It's not the same as a real book' 'I'd miss the smell, the touch' (and, one I'd add, you can't wrap and e-book and give it as a present in quite the same way), but most people have said actually, they don't miss those things at all. The reviews all say the Kindle is the best e-reader out there.

Dad is so pleased with his, that he said he would buy me one. Ok, I'll put it on my Christmas list.

Then my sister's slightly bonkers boyfriend got involved with a Red Bull Flug Tag team, which is necessitating her undertaking a flight to Florida on her own to join him next week. She was considering getting a Kindle for the journey, but wasn't sure she would use it otherwise.
Dad said he would buy her one (only fair, having promised me one.) So he did, last Friday night, I brought my laptop downstairs for him and he ordered them there and then.

Thanks Dad!

I spent the weekend getting excited and it arrived this morning.

Will they replace books? I really doubt it. There are still reasons and definitely still a place in my life for real books. But is it a good addition to a book lover's toy collection? Absolutely! And look, if you buy the right sort of cover for it, it can even feel a bit like a book!

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